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net games:



  • A shuttle that lands in the court, or on a boundary line is “in”

  • A shuttle that lands outside of the court, or a boundary line is “out”


  • Badminton net and court

  • Badminton racquet

  • Shuttlecock

  • Safety Goggles (recommended)


  • Badminton may be played in singles or doubles.

  • A toss is made, and the winner has choice in either: (1) to serve or receive first; or (2) to pick which end of the court to start from.The side losing the toss has the remaining choice.

  • To start the game, a player serves from the right side of the court.

  • In a correct serve:

    • The server and receiver will stand in diagonally opposite service courts with both feet in the court

    • The racquet head will contact the base of the shuttle

    • The whole shuttle will contact the racquet below the waist

    • The shaft of the racquet will be in a downwards direction

    • The movement of the racket will continue forward from the start until the end of the service

    • The flight of the shuttle will be upwards

  • A “let” is called when the receiver is not ready for the serve, resulting in a re-serve.

  • In doubles, the partners may take up any position within their respective courts, which do not obstruct the view of the opponent.

  • Players will serve and receive in their respective right service court when the score is 0 or an even number. Players will serve and receive in their respective left service courts when the server has scored an odd number of points.

  • In doubles, the serving order is from the initial server who started the game, to the partner of the initial receiver, to the partner of the initial server, to the initial receiver, etc.

  • The side that wins the rally point receives the next serve.


  • A match is best 2 of 3.

  • Games are played to 21 points (win by 2 points) and capped at 30 points.

  • The side winning a rally gains a point (rally points).A side wins a rally if the opponent commits a “fault” or if the shuttle is grounded in the opponent’s court.


  • A serve is incorrect

  • In service the shuttle:

    • Is caught on the net

    • Is hit by the receiver’s partner

  • In play, the shuttle:

    • Lands outside the boundaries of the court (i.e., not on or within the boundary lines)

    • Passes through or under the net

    • Fails to pass over the net

    • Touches the ceiling or side walls

    • Touches the player or the player’s clothing

    • Is caught and held on the racquet then slung during a stroke

    • Is hit twice in succession by the same player

    • Is hit by a player and the player’s partner successively

    • Touches a player’s racquet and does not travel towards the opponent’s court

  • In play, a player:

    • Touches the net or its supports

    • Invades the opponent’s court (except when following through with the racquet), or obstructs the opponent


Badminton Canada. (2013). The laws of badminton. Retrieved from (2015, October 28). Badminton – A paralympic sport. [Video File]. Retrieved from


Ly, N. (2015, March 27). The rules of badminton – Explained. [Video File]. Retrieved from


Sports Courts Dimensions. (2015). Badminton. Retrieved from

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The Rules of Badminton

This video is a tutorial on how to play badminton based on Olympic and Badminton World Federation (BWF) rules.

Badminton - A Paralympic Sport is the official live channel of the Badminton World Federation (BWF). This video highlights badminton as a paralympic sport.

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© 2017 by Kathy Le. Last updated October 14, 2019.

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